Mathias Bothe
Fullstack Software Developer
Bachelor of Arts in Business Informatics
Hi there!

I am Mathias, passionate IT-Freelancer from Germany. In my 13+ years of professional programming I worked for companies that range from small startups to world-wide operating enterprises, from sectors such as automotive, communication, finance and insurance to IT-Security, e-commerce and pharma.

My main focus is on frontend and backend development using JavaScript/TypeScript.

Yes, I am currently available for new projects

Freelance and 100% remote only.

Interested in projects with JavaScript/TypeScript, React, NodeJS (NestJS and Next.js).

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What I do

Front-End Development

Responsive user interfaces with modern JavaScript Frameworks

Back-End Development

Conceptual Design and development of Server Side APIs, Server Side Rendering, Isomorphic coding

Progressive Web Apps and Native Mobile Apps

Development of data base driven Web application with offline capabilities and native mobile Apps

Coaching / Mentoring

Hands-On Coding Workshops to improve Team member skills


Fullstack test driven and behavior driven development from unit testing to end-to-end testing

Agile Development

Development using agile Processes such as Scrum or Kanban

Programming language skills

JavaScript Expert

TypeScript Expert

PHP Expert

Java Proficient

C# Proficient

Python Proficient

Dart Proficient

Skill assessment by PluralSight

Tools, Libraries and Frameworks

React 18 (+ Redux) Expert

Angular 8 Expert

NodeJS Proficient

GraphQL Proficient

NestJS Proficient

NextJS Proficient

Unit Testing (Jest, Enzyme, Jasmine) Expert

RxJS Proficient

Webpack / Gulp / Grunt / Bower Proficient

GitHub CI/CD / Docker / Kubernetes Proficient

Project experience

  • Siemens AG
    Conglomerate, Munich, Germany
    Chatbot and Enterprise Search

    Chatbot development and integration of enterprise search engines into a unified web based user interface.

    2019 - now
  • MediaMarkt/Saturn
    E-Commerce, Munich, Germany
    UI Component Library

    Development of UI library components for the official ecommerce platform with connection to a Headless CMS.

    2021 - 2022
  • Innosystec GmbH
    Cyber Security and Cyber Defense, Bodenseekreis, Germany
    Web Audioplayer with TypeScript

    Frontend development of a web based audio player especially the display of envelope curves and spectral frequencies.

  • Architerior
    Art consulting, Stockholm, Sweden
    B2C Online Shop

    Fullstack development of an online shop to sell photo art and paintings including Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Server Side Rendering (SSR).

  • Bosycom
    IT consulting, Munich, Germany
    Customer portal with payment service

    Creation of customer area with Stripe integration for online payment services.

  • BMW AG (via Vispiron Systems GmbH)
    Automotive, Munich, Germany
    Corporate Web application

    Front‐ and Backend development of an integration system to harmonize several data sources under a common component‐based user interface. Implementation of reactive real‐time modules, AppStore, roles‐ and permissions management.

  • Fonds Finanz Maklerservice GmbH
    Finance‐ and Insurance, Munich, Germany
    B2B Web application

    Front‐ and Backend development of an online reward platform for finance and insurance brokers. Development of a RESTful API with Single‐Sign‐On. Authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT). Development of Intranet Web Applications. Implementation of SAP interfaces for billing.

  • Carable AB
    IT service provider for automotive, Stockholm, Sweden
    Mobile Web application

    Development of an e‐commerce platform to sell and buy vehicles. Front‐ and Backend Development of a web application for vehicle inspection.

  • Mercedes Benz
    Automotive, Stuttgart, Germany
    Coaching and Frontend Development

    Front‐End development of a B2BOnline Portal (Single Page Application) using responsive design principles (mobile first). Implementation of an E‐Commerce. Coaching of employees in latest Angular JS techniques.

  • Security Service provider
    Security Service, Munich, Germany
    Restful API with PHP and noSQL

    Conceptual design and implementation of enhancements for a security‐related web application and database scheming including calendar management, activity reporting and human resource planning.

  • 1&1 Internet AG
    IT service provider, Munich/ Karlsruhe, Germany
    Cloud email service with JavaScript and Java

    Frontend/backend developer, creating a cloud based Email‐Service for a multimillion audience of international users. Backend development using Java Spring Framework and Hibernate.

  • / United Internet AG
    IT service provider, Munich, Germany
    Web‐Chat Client with JavaScript

    Fulltime freelancer position as frontend developer of a web‐based Online‐Chat using JavaScript Frameworks. Development of GUI components, integration of Chat protocol XMPP.


Education & Certificates

Business Informatics (Diploma/Bachelor)
English For Commerce by London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Advanced Placement International English Language
Certified educator by German Chamber of Commerce and Industry