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Async Generator in TypeScript
type Person = {
    name: string;
    title: string;

let items: Person[] = [
        name: "Bing Bong",
        title: "The Archer"
        name: "Hector",
        title: "The well endowed"
        name: "Brutalitops",
        title: "The Magician"

async function* getItems(): AsyncGenerator<Person> {
    for (let item of items) {
        await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 4000));
        yield item;

async function renderOverTime() {
    for await (let item of getItems()) {
        console.log(`${} ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}`);


About Author

Mathias Bothe To my job profile

I am Mathias, born 41 years ago in Heidelberg, Germany. Today I am living in Munich and Stockholm. I am a passionate IT freelancer with more than 16 years experience in programming, especially in developing web based applications for companies that range from small startups to the big players out there. I am founder of, creator of the security service platform BosyProtect© and initiator of several other software projects.