Docker Images are the blueprints or templates that contain all the files. They are portable between systems and allow snapshots and versioning. It is not the images that are executed, instead you create instances from images.

Docker Toolbox is outdated and I won’t describe it in this article, but it used to be the only option for Windows 7/8 users in the past. It includes Docker Client, Docker Compose, Docker Kitematic which is a graphical UI to manage containers and images and Docker Machine that will spin up a boot2docker image […]

An image actually consists of many images, aka image layers. The main reasons being that those can be cached and thus don’t have to be rebuild every time you create an image. System dependencies such as tar, curl or maybe ImageMagick etc. Runtime such as NodeJS, Java, Python etc. Configuration can be things like Here […]

Start/Run a container from an image List containers (also get their ID) Starting already existing container Stopping container Removing containers Executing commands in container Inspecting a container Run docker inspect <container> to check it. The result could be: Watching container logs Copying files from/to container

Containers have a “scratch space” that allows you to store files only temporarily, meaning as long as the container is running. But once the container stopped the data is gone. Volumes are a way to persist information even after a container got destroyed. A volume is a special type of directory in a container (a […]

Containers run in isolation and don’t know anything about other processes or containers on the same machine. You have two options to let containers communicate with each other: Linking containers is simple to setup, but also limited and should only be used during development. Option 1: Container Linking (Legacy Linking, deprecated) Let’s assume you have […]

The basic idea behind Docker Compose is to save you a lot of typing when creating, configuring, stopping, rebuilding or inspecting your containers. We create a docker-compose,yml file to define our docker resources, such as containers (called services in this context), networks and volumes. Then we use a single command to spin everything up or […]